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Linksys Launches a Modular Mesh Wi-fi System Called Velop

Linksys has announced the introduction of Velop, its premier Whole Home Wi-Fi product. Velop is the first Tri-Band modular Wi-Fi system that can be installed in various mesh configurations providing f...

Review: TP-Link Archer C3200

TP-Link recently introduced its new router that is aimed at users who would want an efficient and economical router for their home or office network setup. The new TP-Link Archer C3200 router offer su...

Kaspersky Launches its Own “Hack-Proof” OS

Kaspersky Lab has announced its new operating system which was in development for the last 14 years. Dubbed as Kaspersky OS, it has made its debut on a Kraftway Layer 3 Switch. Not many details have b...

TP-Link MEA to Show Off SMB Products at Cairo ICT 2016

TP-Link Technologies has announced that it will be demonstrating its commitment to Egypt’s ICT sector by returning to Cairo ICT 2016, one of the Middle East and North Africa’s (MENA) most prominent IT...

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