This year Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) has decided to create four new Xperience Zones for the Autumn 2018 edition of Gitex Shopper that will be held from 2-6 October in Za’abeel Halls 4-6, Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai. The new Xperience Zones are designed to provide visitors with the knowhow to make informed purchases during the show.“For the best part of three decades, GITEX Shopper has served as a bellwether for setting purchasing trends in the consumer electronics segment by supporting domestic retailers and providing millions of consumers with the best deals and unbelievable offers available in the UAE marketplace,” said Trixie LohMirmand, Senior Vice President, Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC). “This year, GITEX Shopper 2018 will enhance that value proposition by offering visitors exclusive deals and more opportunities to win big, with a raft of hourly and daily competitions which offer prizes unavailable in traditional retail outlets.”
For one of its sections in its new Xperience Zone, the GITEX Shopper team has recruited an army of techsperts from Tech Radar to assist shoppers on the best products to purchase, while a series of Tricks & Tips sessions will see the techsperts offer support, guidance and tips on getting the most out of electronic purchases. From providing tricks on switching between Android and iOS, to taking better photographs on your mobile, GITEX Shopper visitors can get exclusive insights through numerous free-to-attend panel sessions. There will also be an opportunity to check-in for one-on-one advice about the latest smart phones, laptops, tablets, TVs and more.Making its debut this year is a five-day blitz of video gaming tournaments expected to be contested by more than 400 would-be champions from across the UAE and beyond. Additionally, the Xperience Zone will feature an ‘Unboxing’ demonstrations streamed directly from the show. Making a guest appearance will be the award-winning content creator, YouTuber and Technologist, EMKWAN, who has amassed almost 44,000 subscribers.
Taking technology to new heights, the final section of the Xperience Zone – the Shopper Drone Zone – will offer novice and expert drone operator’s first-hand training on how to operate a drone without crashing it in a safe skills-based area on the show floor. Visitors who love the experience can then pick up a drone of their own at incredible GITEX Shopper prices.
As part of revamped Shop & Win concepts, GITEX Shopper 2018 is rolling out additional competitions across the show and its social media platforms, including stage activations on an hourly basis every day, and the Shopper Price is Right. Prizes available include an MG ZS Compact SUV, 50x AED1,000 Dell vouchers, and a daily holiday package to Tbilisi in Georgia, Baku in Azerbaijan, Yerevan in Armenia, Goa in India, and Herzegovina in Bosnia.
The GITEX Shopper 2018 will open daily from 11:00am – 11:00pm and the tickets are priced at only AED 20, a reduction on last year. Entry is free for children below the age of five. Creating even more convenience for visitors, GITEX Shopper 2018 is offering six hours of free parking at DWTC to those who spend more than AED300 at the show.