Home » Huawei unleashes luxury in smartphones

Huawei unleashes luxury in smartphones

Huawei unleashed the luxury at its best for the smartphones especially for socialites to stay ahead of the rest in style with the introduction of its latest PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate20 RS. The sleek looking elite device comes loaded with a lot of high-tech goodies, including an in-screen fingerprint scanner, 3D face-recognition biometric security, a 40MP Leica Triple camera with wide-angle and optical zoom lenses, and a huge, 4200mAh battery with fast charging.

What sets it apart, however, is the fancier design, as the back is made of leather with a strip of glass down the middle. Tons of memory and pre-installed Porsche-inspired UI themes complete the premium package.

The PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate20 RS is a collaborative work between Huawei and Porsche Design. This iconic race car design element is incorporated into the back of the PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate20 RS—a device with the Rennsport “RS” designation—with a luxury twist.

Rounded on the sides with bold, aesthetically pleasing curves, the device reflects its high level of performance in its outside appearance. Two strips of fine, handmade leather flank the polished glass on the back and offer the perfect grip. This natural leather was selected for its excellent durability and softness – two important features to give you a luxurious experience.

The integrated triple camera from Leica comprises a 40MP RGB sensor, a 20MP ultra wide-angle lens and an 8MP sensor with a telephoto lens. The ultra wide-angle lens supports video capture in ultra wide 21:9 resolution for a unique cinematic feeling. Whereas other manufacturers have to crop the footage shot on their devices in order to achieve a 21:9 ratio, the PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate20 RS adopts a 21:9 resolution as its native capturing, giving its videos a cinematic feel, right from the start.

Packing premium performance features paired with an elegant and luxurious appearance and texture, PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate20 RS is an exclusive device that offers an extraordinary experience that quenches the market’s thirst for highly sophisticated devices.

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