Home » LG InstaView refrigerator smart features offer health and wellness

LG InstaView refrigerator smart features offer health and wellness

The environment inside the refrigerator can often be overlooked, as families fall into a pattern where they assume their fridge health is guaranteed. However, factors such as germs and poor circulation can not only create unpleasant odors but also affect the longevity and freshness of food.

LG InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators now come with Hygiene Fresh+ and its powerful fan, which draws in bacteria and odor causing particles and eliminate them via a comprehensive system of two antibacterial filters, two deodorization filters, and a UV LED light. Then the intelligent air filter removes bacteria by up to 99.999% making sure bacteria and odor does not build up inside the refrigerator to offer health and wellness.

LG’s Inverter Linear Compressor technology maximizes energy savings, lowers noise levels and keeps food fresh longer. The Inverter Linear Compressor reduces internal friction for less wear and tear, making the refrigerator so durable that LG can back it with a 10-year warranty.

The InstaView also includes sophisticated storage design to maintain food freshness. This includes the FRESHBalancer. With a simple switch, FRESHBalancer keeps vegetables and fruits in its optimal condition respectively by adjusting the right amount of humidity. While the Moist Balance Crisper is an innovative lattice-patterned box cover that maintains the moisture of fruits and vegetables at the optimal level.

InstaView drastically reduces the loss of cold air by eliminating the need to open the door. The innovative transparent window on the InstaView Door-in-Door enables families to check on the items stored inside without opening the door, by simply knocking twice on the glass to illuminate the contents inside. In addition to having energy-saving features, InstaView refrigerators also benefit from a sleek, stainless steel design that acts as the perfect complement to any kitchen.

With LG ThinQ, families can control and diagnose the refrigerator from their smartphone even when they’re not at home. Easily set the refrigerator temperature, control HygieneFRESH+, and diagnose the refrigerator with a simple touch on a smartphone.

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