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Eugene Kaspersky

Kaspersky races ahead with partnership with Ferrari

The decade-old partnership between Kaspersky and Scuderia Ferrari grew further stronger, with Kaspersky providing Ferrari with a complete range of cutting-edge IT security measures 24 hours a day, sev...

Kaspersky’s Secur’IT Cup 2019 open for submissions

Kaspersky is calling for young talent to take part in Secur’IT Cup 2019 – an international competition for ambitious students to work on fresh cybersecurity ideas which will help create a safer future...

Kaspersky Launches its Own “Hack-Proof” OS

Kaspersky Lab has announced its new operating system which was in development for the last 14 years. Dubbed as Kaspersky OS, it has made its debut on a Kraftway Layer 3 Switch. Not many details have b...

Kaspersky Lab delivers 4 petabytes of security updates a month

Kaspersky Lab has delivered 60,000 updates a month to all of its protection products worldwide.The total size of these updates was equivalent to four petabytes. That is roughly the same as 1 million m...

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