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Expo 2020 Dubai

Emirates Airlines plans its own Metaverse

Emirates will soon launch NFTs and exciting experiences in the metaverse for its customers and employees, as the airline unveiled its plans to build signature brand experiences in the metaverse, along...

Expo 2020 Dubai opens to unite millions around the world

List is long, challenges were many, right from covid-19 pandemic to economic instability because of travel bans, lock downs, sanitation dives, vaccination and so much more, but the determination and e...

Explore the state-of-the-art digital experience by Etisalat

Etisalat is ready to enthrall visitors to Expo 2020 Dubai with state-of-the-art digital experience making it one of the smartest, fastest and most connected site on earth. Expo 2020 Dubai is Etisalat’...

Sneak peak in the opening ceremony of Expo 2020 Dubai

The Opening Ceremony of Expo 2020 Dubai will be a magnificent curtain-raiser involving hundreds of performers in a 90- Behind minute spectacle that will transform people’s perceptions of Dubai and the...

Tickets to Expo 2020 Dubai are now on sale

Tickets to Expo 2020 Dubai are now on sale, and among the plethora of reasons to book a season pass for the world’s biggest cultural gathering is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of the his...

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