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Saudi Arabia to conduct an hackers event in November

Saudi Arabia will make a bold entry onto the global tech stage later this year with a ground-breaking, mega cybersecurity event that will bring together the world’s best hackers and trainers in the Ki...

“MoneyTaker” Hackers Steal $10 Million by Hacking into an ATM Network

Details about a sophisticated hack on an ATM network are just trickling in. Hackers associated with a Russian cybercrime ring attacked a series of banks in the US, UK, and Russia, according to Moscow-...

Uber Paid Hackers to Cover-Up Data Breach Affecting 57 Million Riders and Drivers

Uber is coming clean about its cover-up of a year-old hacking attack that stole personal information about more than 57 million of the beleaguered ride-hailing service’s customers and drivers. S...

Google to Replace 2-Factor with ‘Advanced Protection’ Keys

Google is reportedly close to rolling out a hardware replacement for current 2-factor authentication setups. Right now, adding the need for a constantly changing code is one of the best ways to protec...

Legal Action to be Taken Over Yahoo Hacks

The US government is to issue indictments over security breaches which compromised millions of Yahoo users and had once threatened to derail the sale of the company’s web operations to Verizon. Accord...

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