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personal data

7 reasons why cybercriminals want your personal data

Sonia Domínguez Waisbrod, the writer at ESET explains here what drives cybercriminals to relentlessly target the personal information of other people and why you need to guard your data like your life...

How to minimize your digital footprint

André Lameiras, Security Writer at ESET explains that you may not be able to disappear completely from the internet, but you can minimize your digital footprint with a few simple steps.

GDPR was a landmark regulation for data protection

André Lameiras, security writer at ESET discusses the landmark regulation that changed the mindset of everyone on how companies worldwide need to collect and use the personal data of EU citizens.

Majority of UAE Residents Share Personal Information Online, Says Kaspersky Lab

Sharing information or photos on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram has become second nature for many. But a research from Kaspersky Lab has lift the lid on just how much personal data...

One in Four Wi-Fi Hotspots Just Waiting to Be Hacked Says Kaspersky Lab

After analyzing information on more than 31 million Wi-Fi hotspots around the world, Kaspersky Lab has found that every fourth (28%) is unsecured and poses a risk to users’ personal data. That m...

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