Home » Skyrim coming to XBox One and PS4?

Skyrim coming to XBox One and PS4?

The Bethesda website in question shows Skyrim listed for PS4 and Xbox One in addition to current platforms PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

It could just be an error, or a tech update may have gone live ahead of official reveal, so this may vanish post-publication. Either way, OnlySP has a screenshot for prosperity (included below).

Adding fuel to the speculative fire, Bethesda has reportedly sent out emails teasing something exciting to be announced on January 14; several different sites have posted screenshots of the message.

We know at least some of the core Bethesda development team has moved on to a hush-hush new project, but if that title were in the conception and prototyping stage its possible the rest of the studio could be working on a port instead of sitting idle – or Bethesda may have outsourced the port.

In any case, a next-gen re-release isn’t that unlikely; Skyrim still sells by the boatload on PC, where it is much shinier than on current-gen consoles, and Square Enix has shown the way with Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition.

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