Home » “Haswell” Chromebooks announced at IDF

“Haswell” Chromebooks announced at IDF

Google has announced new Chromebooks coming from Acer and HP with Haswell processors, at the Intel Developer’s Forum (IDF). Chrome OS devices will also be released by Asus and Toshiba, new to Chrome OS.

New Chromebooks will be coming from several hardware makers according to Google. The announcement was delivered at the IDF in San Francisco as the new laptops running Chrome OS will have Intel Haswell processors inside.

chromebook1There will be news devices running Chrome OS coming from veterans HP and Acer, along with vendors Asus and Toshiba, both new to the Chrome OS party. The inclusion of Haswell processors should mean all day battery life for these upcoming Chromebooks.

All of the vendors will be introducing new Chromebooks in the next few months, and Asus a new Chromebox. These Chromebooks will vary from light portable laptops to a bigger 14-inch model from HP.

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Unsurprisingly, the new Chromebooks will be called the HP Chromebook14, Acer Chromebook, and the Toshiba Chromebook. The Acer Chromebox will be called just that.

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