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New year resolutions for a better digital life

It’s the start of a new year and the traditional season of making New Year’s resolutions. Are you trying to lose weight or exercise more? Want to spend more time with friends and family? Perhaps you’re trying to quit a bad habit?

As you’re contemplating all the great life changes you’re going to make in 2014, how about considering making some digital New Year’s resolutions as well. Getting your digital life in order is a key part to getting your entire life in order, since for so many of us these two things are intertwined.

Most of us are already admittedly living digitally (to the extreme), but we should also vow in 2014 to becoming more organized and to making the best use of the considerable amount of time we spend in the digital space.

So consider these digital resolutions for 2014:

Back up your data

backup data

It’s 2014 now, folks, so it’s high time you start routinely backing up your data to save your important documents, files, photos, videos, music, and whatever else you keep stored on your computer.

Secure your home WiFi network

home network

After you set up your home WiFi network, did you set a secure password to protect it from squatters? If not, now’s the time to do that. Not only can strangers steal your signal for unlawful activities, but they can creep in and gain access to your personal documents and information, which can lead to identity theft.

Routinely clean your tech


You shouldn’t just clean your tech on the outside, but should take precautions to clean that machine on the inside as well. You’ll even save cash since your computer will last longer.

Change your passwords on the regular


You should be updating your password every few months, but it won’t do a bit of good if it’s a lame one that anyone can guess. Use hacker-proof passwords to keep your info safe.

Recycle old gadgets

recycle tech

Upgrading to new tech is a given in a new year, but instead of tossing your used gear aside or in your closet, give it a new life by recycling or donating it to charity.

Set online rules and stick to them

Online Rules

One of the easiest ways to feel overwhelmed in a world with so many digital platforms is to not have your own personal set of rules. This year make your own set of rules and try stick to them. For instance, how about being Facebook friends with only people you know and interact with in “real life”? How about using your LinkedIn account for networking and integrating it both in your professional life and in your online life?

Organise your photo library

organise photo library

You take photos to remember special moments, so don’t just toss them on your desktop to be accidentally trashed or lost in the depths of your hard drive. Organize your digital photo collection the proper way to save time and energy later.

Gaming the healthy way

online gaming

We know all too well how addictive video games to be, but don’t just let the day slip away parked on the sofa. Epic gaming marathons can be dangerous for your health, so be sure to move around while you’re battling it out on screen.

Keep your software up to date


Be protected from viruses, fraud, and more by keeping your operating system, antivirus software, antispyware software, web browser, and other software updated regularly.

Teach your children about online safety

children with laptop

Before kids use computers, gaming consoles, or mobile devices, make sure you agree on clear limits, talk about how to keep accounts and passwords secret, and help them stand up to online bullying.

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