Home » Sabari Indian School Replaces Textbooks with Tablets

Sabari Indian School Replaces Textbooks with Tablets

Technology has become predominant in today’s educational system. Educators have realised the benefits that technology can offer in the classroom. In wake of the same, Sabari Indian School (SIS) is all set to walk through the digital doors that opens a whole new world to its children – a world of sound motion and touch.

Aimed at increasing digital literacy in the classrooms through professional development and ICT training, SIS’s introduction to technology will serve as a platform to present diversity in learning styles. Replacing textbooks with tablets, the school aims to help students stay engaged and interested in learning. In addition, the digital textbooks will be constantly updated to offer more vivid, helpful and creative learning.

Speaking on the sidelines of an event, Karan Brown, the Associate Director of Indian Schools, Al Najah Education, said, “Integrating technology into the curriculum is a priority.  The inter-disciplinary approach aided by cutting edge technology based learning at SIS nurtures a holistic and well-rounded development of all students drawing out the very best from every student, thus equipping them with the 21st century skills and beyond. We want it to be a tool to promote and extend student learning on a daily basis. The power of touch, motion and sound will not only enable immersive and interactive learning experiences, but also support our skill-based learning styles guided by the 5E technique — Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.”

The newly integrated program is an effort to turn SIS classrooms into more digital environments. Students from the higher grades will have iPads for learning and study to take between school and home, while the students in kindergarten will use their devices in the classroom. Sabari Indian School has made progressive strides in the last one year since Al Najah Education LLC has taken over under competent governors Karan Brown, Ian White and Rajesh Bengrodi and the very able leadership of its Principal Latha Venkateswar.

“Al Najah’s vision encompasses the transformative and collaborative culture and ethos of Sabari Indian School as a vibrant learning community, where every student and staff is excited and engaged in life-worthy learning. As an institution of knowledge, Sabari Indian School understands that each child matters and is committed to nurturing each student’s potential,” said the school in a statement.

“Over the years we’ve realised that it was important to integrate technology-based learning styles in our classrooms – to move away from the limitations imposed by textbooks and traditional homework. The aim is to adapt a more varied dynamic approach harnessing the power of technology and research to enrich a curriculum that will unlock the full potential of each of our students. With the help of technology we have been able to accelerate the learning process for all our students,” concluded Karan on an ending note.

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