Home » HTC to Launch Mobile VR Device Later This Year

HTC to Launch Mobile VR Device Later This Year

After having blown VR enthusiasts’ minds with its Vive VR headset, HTC is now prepping a new mobile VR product. In a recent interview, HTC CFO Chia-lin Chang, said, “We have a good plan in terms of combining mobility and VR. We’ll see that plan unfold in the coming months and the device will launch before the end of 2017.”

Chang didn’t give many details about HTC’s new mobile VR product, only saying that the device will be compatible with the HTC U Ultra and promising that “it’s not a phone slapped onto a headset.” Right now, the biggest competitors in the mobile VR space are Google with its Daydream View headset and Samsung with its Gear VR.

While those are two major companies, the mobile VR market is still young. HTC’s Vive is a huge part of the high-end VR market. So HTC could use what it’s learned from the Vive and snap up a major part of the mobile VR market. We’ll just have to wait and see what HTC is cooking up.

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