Home » The iPhone 8 Will Cost Over $1000

The iPhone 8 Will Cost Over $1000

Rumours suggest that the new cutting-edge features and innovative redesign of the Apple’s 10th-anniversary smartphone will increase the price to more than $1,000. A research note shared by a Goldman Sachs analyst has suggested that the 256GB iPhone 8 will cost consumers $1,099. And it might cost even more when it comes to the Middle East.

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The note has also stated that the smartphone will boast an OLED display, 3D sensors and augmented reality technologies. “The first $1,000 iPhone can drive meaningful upside,”Simona Jankowski wrote in a note to clients. “The bottom line is that we are raising our FY18/19 EPS estimates further above consensus. We think the higher demand for the larger (5.8-inches) form factor will be supported by the fact that the iPhone 8 will have compelling new features not available in the smaller form factors.”

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She predicted that the 128GB will go for $999, but the 256GB will boast a $1,099 price tag – Apple’s most expensive iPhone, the 128GB iPhone 7, is only $749. “We think the higher demand for the larger (5.8-inches) form factor will be supported by the fact that the iPhone 8 will have compelling new features not available in the smaller form factors,” Jankowski wrote.

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