Earlier this month, dummy model images began circulating on Chinese microblogging site Weibo that suggested Apple’s “iPhone 8” would be available in three colors, including black, white, and an option referred to as “champagne gold” which was said to be closer to a copper color than the rose gold iPhones currently available.
Over the weekend, mobile leaker Benjamin Geskin shared information in a Twitter post from an alleged Foxconn insider, claiming that the internal name of the new iPhone 8 color is “Blush Gold”.
Foxconn’s internal name of the new #iPhone8 color is “Blush Gold” (腮红金)
Barcode says “Blush Gold 64GB / 128GB” pic.twitter.com/MZPTfVAr2P— Benjamin Geskin (@VenyaGeskin1) August 12, 2017
In addition to the new color name, the post appears to suggest that the “Blush Gold” color will only come in 64GB and 128GB storage capacities. Currently, Apple offers the iPhone 7 in black, silver, gold, and rose gold, all in 32GB, 128GB, and 256GB capacities, and limits its jet black option to 128GB and 256GB capacities, so the idea that the company wouldn’t offer the new color in a 256GB capacity seems unlikely.
Last Tuesday, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said all of Apple’s upcoming 2017 iPhones would be available in black, silver, and gold, but he made no specific mention of the copper-like color, which began appearing in several videos of dummy iPhone 8 models following the original Weibo post. The potential colours that the OLED iPhone will come in has become more of a talking point since references in the HomePod firmware seemingly confirmed that Apple’s radical redesign would be almost bezel-free with a notch at the top for camera components.
The current consensus is that such a design would look best in black, because it would offer a more seamless visual blending of the notch and bezel with the OLED display, especially when the screen is turned off. While the “Blush Gold” render above has a black front, the copper-like back has apparently divided observers, with detractors referring to it as the “Zune option”, harking back to Microsoft’s brown music player of old. Previously Geskin has claimed that Apple will make the OLED iPhone 8 available in four colors, with a “mirror” shade as a new option, so nothing on the subject is quite yet confirmed.
While the recently released HomePod firmware appears to make no reference to iPhone 8 colors, it has provided information on a range of other details, including the general design of the new phone and advanced facial recognition features. Apple is expected to announce its new iPhone line-up next month.