Home » Jony Ive Returns to Manage the Apple Design Team

Jony Ive Returns to Manage the Apple Design Team

Apple’s chief design officer, Jony Ive, has reportedly resumed management of the company’s design team, in a move that should influence the direction of future products. The switch-up has been reported on various news outlets, especially after Apple removed Alan Dye and Richard Howarth from its Leadership profiles, even though the pair took over daily affairs when Ive assumed the CDO position in 2015.

Dye and Howarth are presumably still with the company, but it’s unknown how their roles may have shifted if Ive is jumping back into the fray. Ive has been instrumental to Apple’s success in the past two decades, with major design influence on the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, among other products. In recent years though he has turned his attention to revamping Apple stores and finishing Apple Park.

Since those projects are largely complete, Ive is likely once again free to exercise a direct hand in hardware and software design. “With the completion of Apple Park, Apple’s design leaders and teams are again reporting directly to Jony Ive, who remains focused purely on design,” Amy Bessette, an Apple spokesperson, said in a statement to Bloomberg.

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