Home » 79 per cent unfollowed social media influencers

79 per cent unfollowed social media influencers

The 2019 Social Media Influencers survey analyses 1,000 female and male respondents aged 18 – 35 years across the UAE and KSA and is currently in its fourth year. The survey is conducted by BPG Group, and YouGov to analyse the growing paradigm of Influencer Marketing in the region.

79 per cent have unfollowed many social media influencers due to their increased promotional content and contrasting values and ethics. But despite this movement by consumers, the survey reveals that influencers with relevant content continue to have a strong following as they win and retain consumer trust, which ultimately impacts purchasing decisions.

The first survey was conducted in 2016 with a focus on consumers, followed by a survey in 2017 focusing on in-house marketers and the third in 2018 targeting social media influencers.

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