TECNO Mobile has announced the launch of its new smartphone, Spark 5 that is equipped with five cameras and a powerful 5,000 mAh battery, the Spark 5 will bring photos and videos to life on its 6.6 inch dot-in-display. The Spark 5 features TECNO’s HI OS 6.0 straight out of the box, which is built on Android Q, and will be available at leading retailers and priced at AED 379.
The SPARK 5 brings unmatched quality in image and video creation powered by its 13 megapixels AI Quad camera on the back and an 8-megapixel front camera. Each of the four rear AI cameras are equipped with specific capabilities – depth, primary camera, macro lens, and AI lens – delivering an extraordinary visual experience to users and showcasing TECNO Mobile’s innovative use of artificial intelligence technologies.
Photography enthusiasts can take professional-grade photographs in all modes and with various effects, including the bokeh effect, AI HDR, macro mode and AI portrait mode, making full use of the Spark 5’s powerful cameras. The cutting-edge “immersive screen” will provide users with a one-of-a-kind true full-screen viewing experience.
With its upgraded AI Camera 3.0 algorithm and AI Scene Detection, users will transform their photography experience: elevating the quality of photos they take, and making full use of the phone’s six flashes– including four which are situated around the rear camera with dual front camera flash. With the macro mode, users will be able to take extreme close-ups up to four cm away from the subject, allowing them to focus on the details that matter.
The SPARK 5 also features AI HDR technology which increases dynamic range beyond what is captured by the camera’s sensors, allowing users to take photos with less noise and sharper details. SPARK 5’s elegant design comes in four colour options of Ice Jadeite, Spark Orange, Vacation Blue and Misty Grey.