Home » Samsung reportedly developing a triple-fold tablet and a smartphone with a transparent display

Samsung reportedly developing a triple-fold tablet and a smartphone with a transparent display

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2

With smartphone technology evolving at a fast pace, companies have already started to release next-generation smartphones with foldable displays. The latest word is that Samsung is busy working on a new tablet that features a triple folding design and a smartphone that has a transparent screen.

According to a tipster who goes by the name Tron, the company is working on a new tablet that can fold three times. While the tipster did not mention if the new tablet concept is going to be made ready for the consumer market, we think it’s going to be a while until Samsung officially releases it. And since it’s a new concept, except the device to be really expensive. That said, Samsung isn’t the only one developing a 3-fold device as OPPO had recently showcased a similar smartphone concept. We can only imagine for now that this so-called 3-fold tablet is probably going to be a pocketable tablet. It’s not hard to even imagine that they may even call it the Samsung Galaxy Tab Fold.


As for the smartphone with a transparent display, there isn’t much information revealed by Tron. And while he does mention that the new devices are going to excite users who are disappointed by the current leaks of the upcoming Galaxy S21, it’s a bold claim to submit when there isn’t enough information on the device. And if history has told us anything, concept smartphones or other next-gen devices are generally going to be very expensive. It’s going to take a while until we see affordable smartphones with flexible or transparent screens.


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