Following the successful launch of the Kirin 990 processor Series, Honor has unveiled its 5G Experience Lab. It also teased the availability of Honor Vera30 Series, the company’s first suite of handsets that are equipped with the Kirin 990 chipset and supports dual-mode 5G all-access network. The smartphone is set to make its debut in Q4 2019.
“The Middle East has been pioneering the move to 5G with advanced countries already prepared for the revolutionary cellular technology and operators announcing their plans for large scale rollout. Honor is committed to empowering individuals from all over the world lead more connected and intelligent lives in this 5G-enabled world which begins with the 5G Experience Lab,” said Chris Sun Baigong, President of Honor Middle East and Africa.
Baigong added “While research and development at the lab will help us expand on the potential of 5G technologies, the Honor Vera30 Series goes beyond 5G capability to also deliver other sought-after technological advances. Youth will be treated to a multi-dimensional 5G experience with Augmented Reality (AR), 4K video quality and cloud applications.”
The Honor 5G Experience Lab comprises a Communications Protocol Test Lab and features multiple zones that depict the future of 5G in everyday scenarios. In the Communication Protocol Test Lab, visitors will learn about the various global network standards that demonstrate the seamless connections between these networks.
Furthermore, the lab can simulate the frequency ranges and bandwidths of carriers in different countries, allowing visitors to experience the seamless network transitions as if they are on international roaming. In addition to travel, Honor also showcased the deployment and application of 5G in smart homes and gaming while showing how it optimizes 5G signals to ensure best-in-class 5G experiences for users.