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Facebook Threatens Linkedin by Testing Out Job Opening Features

Facebook has been the go-to platform when it comes to keeping in touch with friends and family. Now, the largest social media platform in the world is testing out features that will help you in findin...

Linkedin Offers Free Courses for a Week in UAE

LinkedIn, the leading professional network on the Internet, today unveiled the Top Skills of 2016 — the skills that are most sought after among global employers, and employers in the UAE and 14 other ...

LinkedIn goes Arabic

Social media site LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network on the Internet has marked an exciting milestone with the launch of its Arabic version. The announcement was made at an event held ...

Instagramers Gallery creates world’s biggest photo gallery online

The last few years have seen a revolution in social media, as sites such as Twitter and Facebook, and new competitors such as SnapChat,

Linkedin sued for privacy voilations and alleged hacking attempts

LinkedIn has reportedly been sued by four individuals who claim that the professional networking site hacked in to their accounts in order to send invitations to their friends.

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