Home » FreedomPop shows off encrypted Samsung Galaxy SII

FreedomPop shows off encrypted Samsung Galaxy SII

FreedomPop announces secure communication through a modified Samsung Galaxy SII enabled with 128-bit encryption on voice and text for merely $189, off contract.

Privacy of data is a high agenda for the common man especially after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked confidential documents detailing government’s snooping activities. This is in addition to the growing number of attacks on private data from anonymous hackers. Amid such uncertainties, tech companies have come up with feasible solutions. FreedomPop, an internet company offering the world’s first free mobile service initiative, is stepping up the game for hackers with a highly secure Android smartphone.

The new privacy phone offered by FreedomPop, the Niklas Zennstrom-backed carrier startup, is a Samsung Galaxy S II smartphone but with added layers of security. The handset features 128-bit encryption for voice, text and data. The data packets will be sent through a virtual private network, similar to BlackBerry’s enterprise network. The level of security does not stop here, users of the new privacy phone, nicknamed as “Snowden Phone” by FreedomPop, can change the phone’s number anytime, according to a report from TechCrunch.

“In light of recent violations in consumer’s privacy across social networks and mobile devices, privacy is becoming increasingly important to many Americans and we all have a right to communicate anonymously,” Steven Sesar, COO at FreedomPop, said in a statement. “Large carriers don’t have the flexibility, desire or creativity to invest in privacy. We don’t agree with this approach and felt it was up to us to create a truly private mobile phone service at an affordable price.”

Other companies such as Silent Circle also introduced a new encrypted Android-based smartphone called the BlackPhone. Boeing is reportedly working on a secret smartphone with self-destruct capabilities when accessed by unauthorized officials. This appears to be a new field of interest for tech companies and consumers whoare particular about security among other features.

As for the FreedomPop’s privacy phone, the decision to use Samsung Galaxy SII is a way to bring the cost of the phone down. The handset costs $189 without any contract and includes three months of unlimited voice, text and 500MB data. After three months, owners of the privacy phone can pay $10 a month for the same service. If you are worried about keeping your identity covered at all times, FreedomPop has you covered. The carrier accepts payments in Bitcoin through BitPay.

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