Review: Samsung Level Over

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Review: Samsung Level Over

Quality headphones are a must for anyone who enjoys high fidelity music. As the internet makes it easier than ever to get access to lossless music, the demand for studio quality headphones that deliver perfect bass and treble has been only getting higher. Entry level headphones may suffice the needs of casual users, but people who love music want nothing but the best aural experience.

Samsung offers these audiophiles wireless headphones that also promise a superb listening experience. Features like quality bass replication and noise cancellation make it seem like a superb choice. So let’s see how it fairs in our review!

From the moment you lay your eyes on it, Samsung Level Over is a beautiful gadget. The white variant looks especially incredible, but the dark black one looks elegant and sturdy as well. The over the ear design ensures that it sits comfortably atop your head and does not cause your ears to ache if you wear them for hours on end.

The padding is top notch and wearing the headphones for hours did not make them get too hot either. The no wire part is something that I personally love and really makes them very convenient for me. Samsung also gives you a strong carry case for the headphones so that you can safely tuck them away when they are not being used.

Samsung uses aptX Bluetooth technology to connect the headphones to computers and mobile phones, ensuring that you can stream high quality audio wirelessly and benefit from investing in such an expensive headphone. Coupled with the noise cancellation feature, the headphones make sure that you enjoy your music on the go, without getting too bothered by the ambient noise.

I say too bothered, because the noise cancellation on the device is not the best that Samsung could have done. It eliminates some noise, but leaves you dissatisfied when you are in an especially noisy area.

The headphone also has a touch based control panel on the right cup, which you can use to control your music when you are travelling and do not want to take out your music player or phone.

The headphones also come packed with a small 3.5 mm audio cable with a built in call answer clicker. You can connect this cable to the headphones when you want to use it to answer calls. The touch pad on the headphones is really well designed and makes it really easy to change music and more while the headphones are still on your head.

It is the sound quality of the Samsung Level Over which is a bit of a let-down. While it offers good bass and handles high frequencies quite well, the mid-range seems a bit dull and for me the overall sound quality was ok at best.

Samsung does a good job with these phones. They are a decent pair of wireless headphones with a decent sound, a decent build, and a decent build quality. For its not so decent price tag, buying it is one decision that you must make on your own.

Price: $280

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