Home » BIOSTAR launches new feature rich website

BIOSTAR launches new feature rich website

BIOSTAR unveiled its new enriched website where customers can now compare BIOSTAR products and solutions against each other, so that the information can help customers in their decision-making.<!–more–> The total exercise had been simplified and now with just a click one can find the desired information.

The new BIOSTAR website features Dynamic Store Locator that enables users find the nearest store or a reseller or the distributor to get the access to BIOSTAR products. The website is created RWD website technology along with HTML5, used by Apple and many other leading brands in the industry, the new website features dynamic animations and can adjust to your devices viewport especially mobile devices. The entire site is responsive and scales to your viewing device giving BIOSTAR customers better interaction on whatever device they are using be it your phone, tablet or desktop.

BIOSTAR is committed to improving itself more and more into the future and has set a new vision to serve as a guideline while it races into the future.

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