Home » InfoFort Rebrands Itself Using ‘Dubai Font’

InfoFort Rebrands Itself Using ‘Dubai Font’

InfoFort, an Aramex company and leading information management solution provider in the Middle East and Africa, has unveiled a new logo designed using the recently launched ‘Dubai’ typeface. In homage to the emirate’s vision to become a leader in innovation and smart technology, InfoFort announced that it has also adopted the ‘Dubai Font’ for use across its entire internal and external communications materials.

The font, created by The Executive Council of Dubai, in collaboration with Microsoft, was officially introduced to the public on 30 April by the Crown Prince of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum. “As a homegrown UAE company with a clear global footprint, InfoFort is proud to be aligning its brand and communications with the vision of Dubai. The ‘Dubai Font’ presents a unique way of expressing our core values, while driving our strategy to embrace innovation, digital transformation, and commitment to deliver value to our clients,” said Abed Shaheen, CEO of InfoFort.

According to Shaheen, the re-branding and adoption of the new logo also reveal InfoFort’s pioneering spirit that is central to its vision and based on three main pillars: Data; Technology; and Analytics. InfoFort began its operations in Dubai, in 1997, and today has operations in 25 cities across the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.

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