Home » Third Batch of Companies Announced for HTC Vive’s Vive X Program

Third Batch of Companies Announced for HTC Vive’s Vive X Program

Vive X, HTC VIVE’s global AR/VR accelerator program, has announced its third batch of start-up companies to join its ranks. Twenty-six new companies across the world have been selected to participate in the program with the goal of building and advancing the global VR/AR ecosystem.

By being selected into Vive X, these companies become part of a program that is unlike any other start-up accelerator. Vive X is a service-orientated strategic investor that offers unparalleled access to expertise, resources, planning and an extensive network throughout the AR/VR industry. By making all of its resources available, Vive helps these startups mature and go to market, and offers value that goes far beyond financial investment.  With this third batch, Vive X is expanding its operations, furthering its mission to find and advance the best teams globally.

“Our focus with Vive X is to partner with companies across the globe that will solve industry pain-points and improve user experiences across AR and VR. This third batch is filled with incredibly talented and promising teams who are focusing on foundational technologies and key verticals including enterprise, healthcare, entertainment, and education,” said Marc Metis, Vice President, HTC Vive. “We continue to invest very actively in both VR and AR, and are excited to work with the next group of innovative teams and technologies that will shape the future.”

Since its inception in July, 2016, Vive X has invested in more than 80 companies across a variety of areas, making it the world’s most active investor in the AR and VR space.  Many of these companies have become notable segment leaders in the industry and a significant portion have reached commercial partnerships with Vive and its partners to advance their businesses.

Some of the companies transforming the use of VR and are included in Vive X Batch 3 are:

  • Neurable develops brain-computer interface for VR control. The result of innovations in neuroscience and machine learning, Neurable interprets electroencephalography (EEG) signals for real-time interaction input. Think, “mind-controlled” experiences.
  • JuDaoEdu is dedicated to the research and development of VR labs for K-12 students. The product is applicable for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Science education and the company’s vision is to provide students with authentic and safe VR lab environment.
  • Configreality understands deeply how human spatial perception works across physical and virtual space simultaneously. With its proprietary spatial compression algorithm, users can feel as if they are walking in an infinitely large space even when the physical space is limited.
  • Super Node is a visual intelligence company with full-stack solutions that enables machines to learn its surrounding environments. The solution brings low-cost, high-accuracy obstacle avoidance, 6DoF tracking and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) capabilities to VR, AR and robotics.
  • Looxid Labs has developed an emotional analytics platform optimized for VR using bio-sensors that measure users’ eyes and brain activities. Its machine learning algorithm is capable of accurately analyzing users’ emotional state, providing valuable data that can be leveraged to make a real impact in users’ VR experiences.

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