Home » Sophos Home Premium for PC with AI capabilities

Sophos Home Premium for PC with AI capabilities

Sophos announced the latest version of Sophos Home Premium for PC with predictive artificial intelligence malware detection. Leveraging the same AI technology built into Sophos’ enterprise security products used around the globe, Sophos Home Premium for PC can detect and block both known and unknown malware before it executes.

In addition to predictive AI, Sophos Home Premium for PC includes new real-time protection against application and OS exploits and stops cybercriminals from controlling trusted apps, abusing unpatched vulnerabilities to gain access to a system, or stealing credentials. With these new features, plus the advanced anti-ransomware capabilities and other protections already included, Sophos Home Premium for PC protects against the widest range of constant and always evolving cyber threats.

“Over the past year, more than a third of Sophos Home Premium users have had at least one malware attack blocked and nearly a quarter have been protected from an exploit-based attack,” said John Shier, senior security expert at Sophos. “As cybercriminals’ attack methods have become more sophisticated, consumers just as much as businesses, need cybersecurity solutions that stay a step ahead with advanced and proactive defenses. By providing the same artificial intelligence technology offered in Sophos business products, we are bringing an unparalleled level of cybersecurity to consumers at home.”

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