Home » ToTok releases “Coronavirus Live Updates”

ToTok releases “Coronavirus Live Updates”

The instant messaging app, ToTok, has launched a new feature that provides its users with the latest developments on coronavirus (COVID-19). The updates will include live statistics and global news, helping ToTok users keep up to date with accurate information.

Giacomo Ziani, ToTok Co-founder, said: “This is a fast-developing situation, therefore staying up to date with the latest accurate information is essential. We hope that providing ToTok users with live updates on coronavirus will make it easier for them to monitor the evolution of the outbreak and make sound decisions. As a group of international entrepreneurs, we understand the importance of staying informed about the wellbeing of our families living far away.”

Globally, COVID-19 is already changing the ways people and businesses communicate, with video conferencing becoming an essential part of technology helping to contain the outbreak. Commenting on this trend, Ziani said: “By pairing the new feature with the existing ToTok audio and video calling capabilities, we hope ToTok can play its part in helping contain the outbreak.”

The new feature was released on March 3, 2020 and is automatically available to ToTok users using the iOS operating system, while those with Android smartphones will need to update to the latest version of the app to activate the new feature.

This new addition is one of many new features the ToTok development team plans to roll out in the near future, with the aim of continuously enhancing the user experience and making ToTok a next-generation digital platform.

ToTok is available to download from the official website, totok.ai/download-android, or through the Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi, OPPO and Vivo app stores.

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