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Future of digital marketing in the UAE

Before the pandemic, everything that was expected to happen over the next 5 or 10 years has happened over the course of 2020 alone, at least from a digital standpoint. Companies around the world had to drastically cut down on their costs and find alternative ways to communicate and advertise to the point that, today, the digital marketing landscape is completely saturated and almost too competitive. Companies from across the globe have been leveraging “digital” as opposed to traditional, as it’s more cost-effective, fast and reliable. However, other more important trends within the digital world are starting to become increasingly important, which is what we will be targeting today.

Here at Mint Stalk, a leading Digital and Creating Marketing Agency operating in the UAE, we have noticed a pattern with companies in the region – those who are able to relate better to their customers, whether by optimizing your content to new platforms such as Clubhouse (whose popularity has skyrocketed in Dubai over just a few weeks) or by making their content more interactive and topical (through webinars, for example) are doing much, much better than the rest. When it comes to privacy, big tech giants have all been under fire for data leaks and privacy issues, which is something that businesses will have to take into account when it comes to their campaigns and targeting – that’s why finding alternative options to reach people will be of utmost importance.

From our experience, there has already been an increasing demand for influencer marketing. Indeed, as targeted ads might become compromised, businesses are opting to advertise their products through people who already have a big following and who are fully supportive of the brand’s products. These kinds of partnerships might yield better results than traditional Facebook ad campaigns. We have also seen a surge in insight-driven marketing recently, as we are often required by our clients to try to understand and grasp their audience’s behaviour across the different platforms through weekly or monthly analytics – it is our job to come up with a valuable understanding of this data and provide solutions on how to improve what needs to be improved, and the use of AI has fully helped us in this process. We’ve also noticed that SEO is not about length anymore but more about relevance and frequency, which is what we’ve been aggressively implementing over the past year for ourselves and our clients.

Mint Stalk founder, Alyssa al-maiahi, stated “The more traditional ways of advertising such as Facebook ads have not and will not disappear, but the focus itself has changed drastically. People are getting bored of repetitive advertising and they’re even becoming bored of the traditional platforms, that’s why platforms like Tik Tok or Clubhouse have gotten so much popularity over the past month – people are eager for newer and fresher content. Brands nowadays really do have to constantly be on top of new trends, even if they are reluctant at first. Using AI and data driven strategies, improving your SEO or relying on influencers like we mentioned above, are all part of the future of digital marketing as everything else is slowly fading in the background. As a leading Digital Marketing Agency based in Dubai, this is the kind of thing we deal with on a daily basis – we can’t afford to miss the train on these trends.”

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