Samsung Gulf Electronics launched the new Neo QLED 8K TV with the latest advancements in picture quality, sound technology and smart features in Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain. With more screen size options, customizable accessories and an upgraded interface, the Neo QLED 8K brings the vision of ‘Screens Everywhere, Screens for All’ closer to reality with life-like images, immersive sound and hyper-personalized experiences.
“The Neo QLED 8K features next-generation picture quality and a range of cutting-edge personalization options. Its award-winning features are truly one-of-a-kind,” said Nikola Aksentijevic, Head of Visual Display Group, Samsung Gulf Electronics. “Launching the all-new Neo QLED in the region is hugely exciting for us as we continue to bring cutting-edge technologies closer to home, shaping the smart and immersive lifestyles of tomorrow.”
Bringing the large screen experience to another level
Thanks to the Neo Quantum Processor and the advancements in picture technology and sound it delivers, Neo QLED 8K provides some of the most pristine images and immersive soundscapes possible. In fact, this year’s Neo Quantum Processor introduces advanced contrast mapping with BLU (back-light unit), increasing the brightness level from 12 to 14-bit gradation for greater control of the light source – the Quantum Mini LEDs. This allows the TV to control its lighting across 16,384 steps, quadrupled from the previous 4,096 steps.
The new Shape Adaptive Light technology leverages the Neo Quantum Processor to analyze lines, shapes and surfaces to control the shape of light from the Quantum Mini LEDs, enhancing the brightness and accuracy of all shapes on the screen. The result is outstanding image quality that puts full HDR content on display.
Expanding the user experience
The Neural Quantum Processor 8K also powers a new technological innovation — Real Depth Enhancer, a multi-intelligence picture quality algorithm. This technological advancement creates a greater sense of realism by determining and processing an object on the screen against its background to create a sense of depth.
Experiencing your screen
Samsung’s Neo QLED 8K features EyeComfort mode, which automatically adjusts the screen’s brightness and tone based on a built-in light sensor and sunset/sunrise information. As the ambient light changes, the screen will gradually reduce the amount of light and offer warmer tones, adjusting the blue light levels accordingly. This allows for a more comfortable viewing experience at night by reducing the blue light which may affect one’s sleep quality.
Immersive sound with smart features
Neo QLED’s sound features have received a major upgrade as well. Building on OTS (Object Tracking Sound), which directs the sound to move across the room along with the object on-screen, the 2022 products will feature OTS Pro, which incorporates powerful up-firing speakers to create overhead surround sound. Neo QLED 8K also delivers a truly remarkable Dolby Atmos experience thanks to the addition of Samsung’s new top channel speakers. With multi-channel speakers placed throughout the TV, Neo QLED delivers a dynamic sound experience that tracks the actions from all corners.
Designed to improve daily lives
From accessing work documents straight from the Neo QLED 8K to outstanding opportunities for your senses – the NEO QLED 8K decidedly merges wellness with work-from-home environments. Its next-generation gaming consoles demand a display that enhances both performance and picture quality—and Samsung’s cutting-edge Neo QLEDs are engineered to deliver. The TV features the new and intuitive Game Bar in Game Mode, allowing players to easily adjust the screen’s aspect ratio, check input lag, and connect wireless headsets, while gameplay is optimized through the Samsung AI processor.
The Neo QLED 8K can be purchased from Samsung brand shops and major retailers in Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain.