Home » Samsung unveils its latest AC technology at the 2023 Arab Housing and Development Forum in Abu Dhabi

Samsung unveils its latest AC technology at the 2023 Arab Housing and Development Forum in Abu Dhabi

Samsung Gulf Electronics concluded its participation at the 2023 Arab Housing and Development Forum in Abu Dhabi, which took place on 11th and 12th September. During the event, Samsung highlighted its flagship AC products, the DVM S2, WindFree, and 360 Cassette, that apply the latest AI innovations to optimize performance and save energy.

Under the theme of “Projecting the Future of Housing and Sustainable Community Development,” the 2023 Arab Housing and Development Forum examined, among other topics, the region’s rapidly developing housing sector in relation to the global sustainability accords and trends. The event was supported by the UAE Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure, Sheikh Zayed Housing Program & Masdar City.

Ayman Al Hamalawi, Head of AC division at Samsung Gulf Electronics, said: “The 2023 Arab Housing and Development Forum was a unique opportunity to reconnect with the region’s property development community, one of the leading contributors to GCC economies. At the event, we have had the opportunity to share with our partners and customers how Samsung HVAC and AC systems utilized the latest digital technologies to optimize energy use without compromising end-user comfort and performance. This way, we supported the region’s sustainability goals and promoted digital transformation in the process.”

The DVM S2 is the latest generation of Samsung HVAC systems boasting industry-leading heating and cooling performance efficiencies. It features AI with Deep Neural Network algorithms to optimize system operation, allowing the unit to operate at exact target pressures and temperatures based on application to save energy.

The WindFree indoor AC enhances comfort by using thousands of micro-holes to disperse fresh air uniformly without cold wind. In WindFree mode, the air is spread softly, creating a ‘Still Air’ environment that provides total well-being day and night. The 360 Cassette, on the other hand, uses a circular outlet that blows cool air in all directions, so every corner of a room is the same temperature. This contrasts with mainstream 4-way versions, which create areas of uneven airflow where cool air can’t reach.

WindFree leverages AI Auto Comfort that analyses ambient room conditions and usage patterns and automatically adjusts the temperature. Temperatures can also be managed using the SmartThings App.

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