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APT group

China-aligned Evasive Panda APT group targets Tibetans

ESET researchers have discovered a cyberespionage campaign that, since at least September 2023, has been victimizing Tibetans via a targeted watering hole (also known as a strategic web compromise), a...

Tick APT group compromises DLP company

ESET researchers have uncovered a compromise of an East Asian data-loss prevention (DLP) company. During the intrusion, the attackers deployed at least three malware families and compromised internal ...

ESET reveals APT group targeting officials with honey-trap in India, Pakistan and Middle East

ESET researchers have analyzed a cyberespionage campaign distributing CapraRAT backdoors through trojanized and supposedly “secure” Android messaging apps that exfiltrate sensitive information.

ESET discovers WinorDLL64 backdoor

ESET researchers have discovered the WinorDLL64 backdoor, one of the payloads of the Wslink downloader. The targeted region, and overlap in behavior and code, suggest the tool is used by the infamous ...

ESET identifies APT group StrongPity targeting Android users via Telegram app

ESET researchers identified an active StrongPity APT group campaign leveraging a fully functional but trojanized version of the legitimate Telegram app, which despite being non-existent, has been repa...

Iran-aligned hacker group attacks diamond industry

ESET researchers discovered a new wiper and its execution tool, both attributed to the Iran-aligned Agrius APT group. The malware operators conducted a supply-chain attack abusing an Israeli software ...

ESET Research discovers Hodur data wiping malware

ESET Research discovered a still-ongoing cyberespionage campaign using a previously undocumented Korplug variant by the Mustang Panda APT group. This is the third time in as many weeks that ESET resea...

ESET Research investigates APT group Donot Team

ESET researchers have uncovered recent campaigns and an updated threat arsenal of the infamous APT group Donot Team (also known as APT-C-35 and SectorE02). According to research findings, the group is...

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