Artificial Intelligence

Gartner says that by 2020, AI will Create More Jobs than it Eliminates

2020 will be a pivotal year in AI-related employment dynamics, according to Gartner, Inc., as artificial intelligence (AI) will become a positive job motivator.

Sony Reboots its Aibo Robot Dog with AI

It’s all about artificial intelligence (AI) these days. And the latest device to get the AI upgrade is a dog… actually a robot dog. Eighteen years after unveiling its original Aibo robot d...

Qualcomm and SenseTime to Collaborate to Drive On-Device Artificial Intelligence

Qualcomm Technologies and SenseTime Group today announced plans to collaborate on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for future mobile and IoT products. This collaboration will dra...

Qualcomm Lays Out its Vision for Artificial Intelligence

Qualcomm Technologies has today laid out its vision for ubiquitous on-device artificial intelligence (AI) complementing cloud AI. “We envision a world where AI makes devices, machines, automobil...

Panasonic Develops Drowsiness-Control Technology

Panasonic Corporation announced today that it has developed a drowsiness-control technology for detecting and predicting a person’s level of drowsiness and allowing to stay comfortably awake. Th...

Infographics: UAE Consumers Rank High in Appetite for Artificial Intelligence

According to Accenture’s survey, UAE consumers are ahead of global averages in readiness to adopt AI powered devices and services. Half of them (51%) think they are “cool”. An impressive 73 % of...

HTC Announces the New U Ultra and U Play Smartphones

HTC has launched two new smartphones – HTC U Ultra and HTC U Play – powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The new launch also marks the debut of the new HTC U series, with the HTC U Ult...

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