A few years ago, antivirus providers focused on protecting the users. Today, due to the influx of various mobile devices and the fact that we carry at least 2 or more devices with us wherever we go, companies seem to have changed their priority on whom they protect.
They now protect devices. Their argument: since a user could use any number of devices over a course of a day, it makes more sense in making sure the devices he / she is using is secure, thus ultimately protecting the user.
Kaspersky Lab recently announced their new product for home users. The Kaspersky Internet Security (multi-device) 2015 does just that: protect multiple devices with a single product license.
The device can protect you from IT security threats irrespective of whether you use a Windows, OS X or Android device. This is a sweet spot for customers especially since now they don’t need to manage subscriptions to umpteen security solutions for their umpteen devices.
The Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 Multi-Device comes with brand new features such as protection against encryption malware, prevention of webcam surveillance of the user, and protection against the risks of working on vulnerable Wi-Fi networks. The Webcam Protection feature is quite brilliant. This feature allows you to monitor which applications attempt to connect to your device’s webcam, warns you of access attempts, and, if necessary, blocks webcam access.
Another new feature called the System Watcher feature monitors all processes running on the operating system. When System Watcher detects a suspicious program attempting to modify a user file, it instantly creates a local backup copy of that file. This is expecially useful in cases where a malware attempts to encrypt folders or files on your device, without your permission and then demands ransom to decrypt those files and folders.
A new Wi-Fi Security Notification feature has also been added to Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 Multi-Device. This module wll verify the security of Wi-Fi hotspots and alerts you of any potential threats, such as a vulnerable network connection or the transmission of an unsecured password via the Internet.
When it comes to real world tests, the Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 Multi-Device performs well in protection against viruses and malware. In our tests, it blocked and removed threats of all types, including some of the most difficult viruses.
Their cloud protection worked well and so did their firewall. Phishing protection, spam and social networking protection were good, too. We also like the fact that the Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 Multi-Device was light on system resourse usage. We clocked a CPU usage of around 1%, which is excellent.
With the Internet Security 2015 (Multi-Device), Kaspersky offers a compelling paid security solution. The suite packs in some really good and important features, which you might otherwise not get in free security solutions available on the internet. The Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 (Multi-Device) thus wins Review Central’s Recommended award.
Price: $80 Approx.