Sennheiser has launched the new GSP 350 headphone aimed at PC gamers. According to the company, the pair of headphones offers high-end acoustic technology and Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound to elevate your gaming experience. “As one of the first products in Sennheiser’s all new gaming portfolio, the closed-back GSP 350 headset sports a bold, purposeful new design which fuses fresh looks to the high-end features that are demanded by more competitive gamers,” said the company in a statement. “Its memory foam ear pads offer a best-in-class acoustic seal for excellent passive noise attenuation to allow for total focus on the game without being interrupted by outside sound.”
The ear pads have been designed in accordance with Sennheiser’s dedicated research into the ergonomics of the human ear for superior comfort – even for longer periods of gameplay. Inspired by aviation, the cleverly-hinged and adjustable split headband reduces pressure for enhanced comfort, making it effortless to achieve the perfect fit.
The GSP 350 also comes with a sleek and intuitive new Surround Dongle for PC to quickly toggle between stereo and Dolby Surround Sound, while Sennheiser’s software interface tailors the experience to each gamer. Four equalizer settings provide optimised modes for gaming, an eSports mode, an ‘Off’ setting that allows for a neutral sound performance, and a music mode for a premium audio experience.
Meanwhile, for critical team communication during gaming, the GSP 350 packs a broadcast quality noise-cancelling microphone that minimises background noises and breathing sounds, so you can be sure to be heard by your teammates with perfect clarity. Sennheiser’s new GSP 350 will be available on Sennheiser’s online shop and on Amazon and will be priced at AED 549.