Apple will be holding an event at its Cupertino headquarters in just a few hours. The iPhone-maker is expected to announce new Macintosh computers, including a new MacBook Pro with an OLED touch bar. We may also see an updated MacBook Air, a 13-inch MacBook and updated iMac all-in-one.
Usually, events at Apple’s headquarters tend to be smaller and more focused. This time around, you can bet that the company is going to talk about the Mac and nothing but the Mac for at least an hour. As is often the case, rumours from reliable sources have given us plenty of information about what to expect.
Apple recently leaked some info about the new MacBook Pros in a new macOS update earlier this week. It looks like a major update that adds some all-new stuff and brings in a few iPhone innovations to boot. The biggest change will be a long, thin OLED strip across the top of the keyboard that will replace the standard row of function keys.
Its purpose will remain the same, but developers will allegedly be able to display different “keys” in that row to provide different shortcuts for different apps. It’s a way to begin melding the flexibility of a software keyboard with the comfort of a hardware keyboard, something Apple seems to be interested in lately. An Apple-designed co-processor could be used to drive the display, according to some reports.
Apple also seems to be planning on implementing a version of its Touch ID fingerprint sensor in the new laptops. This will be the first time the Mac has a biometric authentication option. The feature will be used to support Apple Pay in Safari in macOS Sierra, a feature that currently requires an Apple Watch or iPhone with Apple Pay configured.
According to various news reports and speculations, Apple is planning to introduce a third new laptop alongside the 13-inch and 15-inch Pros. Three new Mac model numbers were registered in the Eurasian Economic Commission’s database earlier this week. What the rumours can’t agree on is the form that third laptop will take.
According to some, it’s a refresh of the 13-inch MacBook Air that will use USB Type-C and/or Thunderbolt 3 instead of the current model’s mix of MagSafe, Thunderbolt 2, and USB Type-A. Others claim that it will instead be a 13-inch version of the MacBook. And the 11-inch MacBook Air could disappear entirely.
We will just have to wait and see. Apple’s livestream is available here and will go live at 9 pm Dubai time. Stay tuned for updates!