Anki recently added two new Supertrucks to its list of remote controlled cars and OverDrive packages. The big and burly trucks – X52 and Freewheel – certainly add lots of action to the overall package.
The Supertrucks are capable of blasting regular Anki cars off the rails. I received the new X52 for a review and I was able to test its mettle against my fleet of Anki cars. An boy, the entire experience was fun!
For those uninitiated, Anki is a remote control car system that works on a track, which are connected magnetically. These tracks keep the cars on the track with infrared camera sensors scanning the track as they go.
These cars are controlled via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi by smartphones through use of an iOS or Android app. Racing is enhanced by lights on the vehicles and virtualized weapons, sometimes knocking out opponents, sometimes draining their power. Check out our review of the Anki OverDrive.
Though the trucks are new, the racing system remains the same. Sure, the Supertrucks are a bit slower than the cars – but they have the capability of literally crashing the cars off the tracks.
Once the Suppertrucks charge up with distance and some button-pressing, it can use the charged up energy for a massive burst of speed. The battery used in the X52 stay alive for almost the same length as the cars and use the same charging system for recharging.
In terms of weapons, the X52, comes with a “Pulse Ram” that can knock an enemy off the track altogether. Keep your foot on the gas long enough and you’ll trigger Rage mode, which gives the truck a boost of speed and persistent area of effect damage.
The new abilities are good fun and help make the truck feel appropriately stronger than the regular cars. You also get a new racing mode called Takeover. You start in a regular Anki car while an AI driver handles the truck. If you do enough damage, you can gain control of it until another player disables you.
Overall, the OverDrive system, the Supertrucks, the cars, the app and the experience is well-designed. My 6-year old and 3-year old were excited every time they got to drive the Supertruck around on the tracks. The Supertrucks, such as the X52, are the real stars of the show.
[highlight color=”yellow”]Price: AED 349.99[/highlight]