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PSN Partially Down for Many Gamers

If your PlayStation is struggling to get online right now, chances are you are among the gamers who are experiencing outrage on the service. Sony’s PlayStation Network service is experiencing an intermittent outage that has caused connection errors for people throughout today. Sony Interactive Entertainment has confirmed the issue, and it is trying to get PSN back up and running.

“You may have some difficulty launching games, applications, or online features,” reads Sony’s PSN status page. “Our engineers are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible, and we thank you for your patience.”

This outage is preventing people from logging into PSN. Some PlayStation console owners are also having trouble launching their games or logging into online multiplayer sessions. This is affecting games like Call of Duty: WWII, Destiny 2, and more. Even primarily single-player games are having trouble launching, including Assassin’s Creed: Origins and Horizon Zero Dawn.

But these connection errors are affecting more than just games. PlayStations around the world are struggling to launch video apps like Netflix and Hulu. Sony’s own PlayStation Video service is also not functioning properly at the moment. The publisher has also noted that PlayStation Now, the PS Store, and PS Music are all experiencing similar problems.

Sony has worked over the last couple of years to improve the reliability of PSN, and it has succeeded in a broad sense. The network does not go through regular monthly outages, which is something it experience throughout 2015 and 2016. The culmination of those problems was Christmas 2014 when a distributed denial-of-service attack took PSN offline for a week. But as with all online services, PSN is still vulnerable to outages like this one.

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