Home » Review: Monster Hunter World (XBox One)

Review: Monster Hunter World (XBox One)

Hours and hours of pure monster hunting set in a beautiful world – that’s exactly what Monster Hunter World is all about.Developed and published by Capcom, Moster Hunter World is an action role-playing game that was released for Xbox and Playstation platforms last month.

In Monster Hunter: World, you take the role of a Hunter, tasked to hunt down and either kill or trap monsters that roam in one of several environmental spaces. If you are successful, you get a loot rewarded, which includes parts of the monster and other elements that can be used to craft weapons and armour, among other equipment.

The core plot of the game allows you to build weapons and gear, which can then be used to hunt down more difficult monsters. As a player, you can either hunt alone, or can hunt in cooperative groups of up to four players via the game’s online services.

As a franchise, the game was quite successful in Japan, though it struggled to get a fan following in other markets. With the new Monster Hunter World, Capcom has devised a game that appeals to new Monster Hunters, without alienating longtime fans of the game.

A short intro at the start of the game sees you and your band of fellow hunters transported across an ocean from the Old World to the New World. You are then dropped onto an uncompromising island that you’re tasked with exploring, mapping and ultimately, mastering.

The New World, to which your hunter is called to explore and tame, is gorgeous, and each animal, from the lowly insects to the gigantic Elder Dragons. Each monster and creature in this setting have their own unique look and animations that fill the game with character.

It’s the hunts that take center stage in this game. In fact, all aspects of Monster Hunter World exist to serve this purpose. As you progress through the plot, each monster you encounter more or less keeps parity with you. Hence, each new species you battle makes for an exciting foe.

The plot is there to serve just one purpose – to serve as a catalyst to propel you into the new world and give you a reason to hunt new monsters. The battles against the game’s titular monsters are the main draw of Monster Hunter World, and they deliver in a big way.

Each encounter feels like an epic boss fight, with players having to utilize their wits and skills if they hope to survive. These battles are full of awe-inspiring moments, like the first time you mount a monster or when two monsters get into a fight with each other, which tends to play out like a scene from a kaiju film.

You can go capture creatures to add to your collection, explore the game’s many beautifully designed areas, or take on intimidating monster in its story missions. You will always have something to do in Monster Hunter World.

Whether going solo or joining up with friends online, Monster Hunter World is a top notch game. It is arguably the best entry in the series to date. It manages to be accessible to those new to the series, while also delivering plenty of challenge to keep veterans on their toes.

Monster Hunter World is bursting with content. The world is vibrant and full of wondrous monsters and environments. It lets you quest by yourself is an immensely satisfying experience and once you get the hang of what you can and can’t do in multiplayer, you’ll have plenty of fun with other players.

The monster battles are quite intense and thrilling, and the wealth of content available should keep players busy for weeks. All in all, Monster Hunter World is a must-play game.

Price: AED 280 approx.

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