Review: iRobot Roomba 880

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Review: iRobot Roomba 880

iRobot has been making vacuum cleaning bots for quite a time now and the latest offering from them is certainly the best and the most modern. It has some breathtaking features like improved brush system and suction chamber which makes it class apart.

This little thing can do a lot of stuff and is smart enough for its purpose. Several new features have been added which makes the device better than its predecessors. However, whether the exorbitant price for those features is justified is for the consumers to decide.

The configuration of the Roomba 880 is a cakewalk for those who have used the previous models of iRobot. It is also not very difficult for the first time users. The fact that iRobot has been in the business of making robots for more than 25 years and has undoubtedly streamlined the ease of use of the product.

You just need to press a few buttons once the device is fully charged. Its ease of use and configuration makes it a product worth the praise and appreciation. The start-up guide provided with the product has also been simplified to the highest possible extent making it very convenient for the users who possess the least technical know-how.

As all other models from iRobot, this too has been painstakingly designed for that exquisite feel. The size has been kept compact so that it is portable and easy to use. The buttons and the keys are placed strategically making it easy to operate. The device sports the same circular design as displayed by the earlier variants.

The only striking new addition is the jet glossy black finish which makes the device look more classy and exquisite. When it comes to the features, the newly added features are the completely revamped suction system called the “AeroForce” with new brushes and intake systems which make the device even more advanced and efficient.

The outcome of the new system is that the machine is able to sit lower and pull out more dirt and dust than ever. Another great addition is the HEPA filter which keeps the allergens at bay. You can operate the iRobot Roomba 880 with a remote control provided.

Performance of the iRobot Roomba is surely worth the hype around it. Its navigational capacity and battery life is impressive. The new features and its compact size let it get into the corners and pull out the dust with an efficiency which is certainly its USP. It can cover an area of 1500-1700 square feet with ease, but falters after this limit is reached.

It is undoubtedly the best vacuum cleaners available today and with the features it possesses is rare to be found in any other cleaner. The vacuum cleaner does its job of cleaning pretty well, but the price factor will definitely be a deterrent for many. It is capable of removing some more dirt from your carpet that its predecessors but priced too exorbitantly.

Price: AED 3500 approx.

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