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Power Banks from Microsoft

Microsoft today announced the launch of three power banks with 5200mAh, 9000mAh, and 12000mAh battery capacities in the accessory market. The company said, that the Microsoft Portable Dual Chargers will arrive in select regions soon, with an estimated retail price of $35, $45 and $55 respectively.

Microsoft stated, that the 5200mAh with its slender design and pocketable shape, it fits perfectly slips into pocket or bag, and is easy to carry with you also. While, 9000mAh or 12000mAh chargers little bigger in size, and they can easily be slipped into your bag, or glovebox.

The Microsoft Portable Dual chargers can charge any USB charging smartphone or tablet as fast as the AC-60 wall charger and can hold their charge for months at a time and still have up to 80% capacity after several months.

All the chargers sport a easy-to-read LED power indicators, and they all come in trendy, flashy colours complementing your personality and lifestyle.

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