Home » Paladion honored for its Managed Security Services

Paladion honored for its Managed Security Services

Paladion today announced that it has been honored for its Managed Security Services by the region’s leading Information Security magazine. The company was adjudged as “The Best Managed Security Services Provider of the Year 2016”.

Sunil Gupta, COO at Paladion Networks said, “We are delighted to receive this elevated position in the Middle East. Paladion has been continuously adapting its cyber protection strategies since before the turn of the millennium to stay on top of the latest, sophisticated threats. These insights from over 16 years in the business are enhanced by our proprietary big data based security analytics platform to power our next generation managed security services. This award distinguishes our MSS team for bringing in continuous innovation to help enterprises stay ahead of attackers.”

The nomination for the Best Managed Security Services Provider 2016 included several leading information security providers from across the globe. The event honored several other IT security vendors and leaders under different categories.

“We are really excited to receive this recognition from Security Advisor Middle East. Our MSS Service maintains an “active” characteristic to combat today’s attackers that are continuously changing their attacks strategies. The active approach means coordinated response from the entire team, which includes security researchers, hunters, analysts, responders, ethical hackers, and more. ” concluded Amit Roy, EVP & Region Head EMEA at Paladion.

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