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ASUS powers schools in UAE

ASUS as the Official PC Supplier for Ministry of Education, today announced it has provided almost 500 schools with nearly 3000 of its ASUSPRO A4310 model in UAE. Mahiuddin Khasru, Regional Sub Head a...

Review: Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (for PC)

The Lego game series has been a huge hit with the fans, and the previous iterations have proved that gamers love playing an entire game made of Lego characters. The original Lego is a classic game and...

How to: Clear out cookies, Flash cookies and local storage

By Chester Wisniewski-Senior Security Advisor at Sophos

Gadget of the Day: A thumb-drive-sized mini PC

PCs are getting smaller and smaller by the day. Many companies are now into the mini PC game including ZOTAC, Gigabyte, ECS, and so on.

Skyrim coming to XBox One and PS4?

The Bethesda website in question shows Skyrim listed for PS4 and Xbox One in addition to current platforms PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

ZOTAC shows off ZBOX Steam machine

ZOTAC International, a global innovator and manufacturer of graphics cards, mainboards and mini-PCs,

Creative Technology launches Sound Blaster Tactic3D Fury gaming headset

Creative Technology Ltd. has launched its new Sound Blaster Tactic3D Fury gaming headset for the PC and Mac. 

Battlefield Open Beta to kick-start on October 1st 2013

The multiplayer beta for the hotly anticipated Battlefield 4 has been given an October 1st date for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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